My Leadership Needed a Sex Change!

What a daring statement… One I never thought I would think and even less share!
However, let me share with you how my life journey lead me to that liberating statement.

I was born in the 70’s in a family where both my grand- fathers were successful entrepreneurs. My dad and most of my uncles were involved in those family businesses. While the men were running the show, the women were focused on taking care of their household, sometimes expressing their creativity through arts.

When my Soul landed in that world and discovered its value system, she knew that she wanted to become an entrepreneur too… that’s where the status were, the admiration, the lifestyle, the money… my ego was for sure on board for that adventure.

Little did I know at that time, that by locking in that desire, I was entering a world of masculine values, attitudes, choices, energies and ambitions that would reveal itself as being toxic for my Heart and Soul.

For the next 30 years, I dedicated my life to achieve my dream as an entrepreneur. It was not an easy road as I spent my days immersed in the world of masculine leadership… in any of the capacities I professionally experienced.

Let’s be honest here, I knew I was a woman, but in the pursuit of my dream to belong and to be recognized by my tribe of origin, I sponged the qualities of the old masculine leadership model not being aware at any moment that I was missing the point.

I would even say that I was not good at masculine leadership. My big heart, presence and qualities were not a match for what I was trying to create.
It never occurred to me that I could have reached to other women and ask them how they were experiencing leadership. I was looking around and seeing women leaders behaving like their male counterparts, sometimes even with less humanity.

I was lost, feeling incapable and wondering what was wrong with me and of course, when feeling like that over a long period of time, anxiety and depression became increasingly part of my life.

As I turned 40, I decided to seek professional help and for the next 7 year, when on a long journey of self-discovery, I experienced being cracked open so many times… I thought it would never end… I was probably cursed to be a misfit of these days and age in the society I was born into… but none of it was true! What I realized was indeed gold!

Each of us is indeed part of the creation of the evolution of society. So feeling like a misfit is not indeed a problem but an indication that we are part of the new, the becoming of the world.
My experience made me realized that feminine leadership is in the making … Big Time!
I am one of the many women leaders that instead of looking outward for references on women leadership need to welcome looking inward to befriend what want to be created and become the channel for its expression.
I am not a misfit, I am a feminine creator!

When I initially thought about feminine leadership, I also believed there was one mode of operation – Type A, strong, loud and pushy. Of course, now, I realized how limited my approach was.
Through my self-discovery journey, I came to realize that I was a highly sensitive women, an INFJ in Briggs Myers classification, an empath, … Women like me don’t fit the Type A or even the Type B of the classic leadership model sold to us by society. Because of how we are, we have a different set of qualities that made us Quiet Leaders!

Now that I had completed that initial journey, I knew that my next step was to develop my own version of Feminine Leadership, a sensitive one.
I owned who I was fully and I was ready to embark on my next step of creation.

Stay tuned for more!

Thank you… from my heart to yours!

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