Show Up for Your Life : Dive inside!

No matter how you feel today, get up, dress up and show up.
Paulo Coehlo

While preparing for my Women of Prosperous Hearts mastermind group last week, my attention was focused on how to support my fellow mastermind sisters in their journey to create the life they truly desire, the life that their heart and soul long for.

Then three emails arrived as surprises… sharing that they wouldn’t be able to make it: friend in town, out of town for work and complicated family situation… Of course, I understand that life is not a straight line… than even if committed to creating the life of our dreams, life is calling us to be present to other commitments, to be present to what’s next. I emailed those women back telling them that I understood their situation, their choice and was looking forward to meet them at our next meeting.

However, few days went on, and I could feel my feelings shifting from understanding and compassion to frustration and resentment. WHY…. Why giving up on your dreams? Why not make it a priority?

Of course, the anger, frustration and distance I was feeling towards those women was indeed a reflection of what I was experiencing inside.

Life is the teacher.

So I start wondering how do I show up for my own dreams and desires… What I am missing that I could learn from that lesson that would bring me back to peace of mind and peace of heart instead of staying with some negative emotions?

What Showing Up means?

If you look at the definition, here are some interesting findings:


1 – to expose or reveal the true character or nature

2 – to be clearly visible

3 – to arrive

4 – to surpass, as in ability or intelligence

Awesome! That definition encapsulates so much of what I was afraid of:

Expose or reveal the true character or nature

I needed to understand where my true nature was. My soul was pushing me to create a more authentic life… to show up my truth.

To be clearly visible

I needed to make it clearly visible to my heart and soul… they would definitely benefit from some relief, some nurturing… knowing I was showing up for my true Purpose.

To arrive

I needed to act on creating the life I truly wanted… activate life magic one step at a time… every day, every breath, every thought… Yummy, I was going to show up for my life.

To surpass, as in ability or intelligence

The reward of Showing Up would be to surpass myself, my ego, my limits in perception and dancing with life.

Words are easy you could say… so I’ll go one step further. I decided to start this blog to show up for my life and share with you some inspiration for transformation.

Let me invite you to join me in showing up for our life by asking you these 3 questions:

1 – Where in your life have you been afraid of showing up?

Tip: think about where others are pushing your buttons… you’ll probably receive some hints!

2 – What is one truth hidden that you would like to live?

3 – What is the one step you could take to show up in your life today more than yesterday?

Sending you some Love and Light and remember, according to Woody Allen, “80% of success is showing up”.

Have Fun… From my Heart to Yours


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