Creating the Life of Your Dreams!

I’ve always been a daydreamer… and as far as I remember… as a little girl, I wanted to become a business owner… like my granddads.
Both were very successful… wearing gold watches, driving luxurious cars, leaving in beautiful houses, surrounded by their large families.
I wanted to have the same life… or should I say, my own version of a full life. But as a woman, was that even possible? I would give it a try anyway!

So I studied extensively – the education section of my resume is a 2 pagers! – and started to work at 20 and was extremely focused on making it happen. A bit like a man!

But after 20 years of chasing my dreams, including working internationally and moving to Los Angeles, leaving everything behind, I ended up in a very dark place.

In 2008, I was over-worked, empty and I felt really confused and lonely. Almost every day, I kept wondering what was wrong with me!
I felt like a rat in an ever ending race.
The irony is that people were telling me I was a born leader, but I really wondered what they were seeing that I could not.
Even if from the outside, my life looked like a success – a business, a beautiful home in Venice Beach, a husband… inside, I didn’t feel successful, I was drowning…
I had indeed created the life I wanted, the life I had dreamt about… but the foundation on which I had built it was not fulfilling my heart and soul…

I was lost in despair, searching for a way out of my pain and out of feeling like a failure. As a sensitive woman, could my dreams still really come true?
So, one night, I prayed – a first for me – and asked for an answer…. And I got it… I heard the word: Re-Source.

Let’s be honest, I had no idea what it really meant… so I left it there and decided to start therapy to heal my depression and read a lot of self-help books, joined the Women of Prosperous Hearts mastermind, listened to Hay House radio and invested in myself in ways I had never experienced before… anything that I could find to soothe me … as I had to keep going with the reality I had created.

Indeed, it was a long journey home… joyful and painful.
But from that darkness came my deep desire to create the Re-Source Center to empower others Sensitive Feminine Leaders like me to live their life from their Heart and Soul and contribute to the world meaningfully.

When looking back, I realized I was missing some truths and practices on how to create the life I truly wanted. Let me share with you the main ones I learned and that have become part of how I create my daily reality and day after day the life I always knew I could live.

The first one is: Know who you are and what you wantYou are the Center of your life.
Practically, I dedicate time every day for my deepest needs. I create space to center myself and stay grounded within my purpose and my faith.
I care for my well-being, physically, emotionally and spiritually. I don’t compromise here. This is how I feel alive and connected to life.
Self Knowledge and Self Care are my new Compasses.

The second one is: Be present to the now, present to every choice you make to ensure they are fully aligned with your heart and soul…
I don’t dig into the past anymore, neither project myself in the far future. I live in the Now of my reality. And honestly, I wished I had known that many years ago, it would have saved me from the stories my mind was telling me and that were not true.
Connecting to my intuition, aligning with my Energy and Power to create my reality in a conscious way is critical before taking any action.
Self-Love has become my new Mindset

And finally, Stand in your powerrespectfully
I have over-came the conditioning and limitations of the culture I was born in, the rules of my tribe of origin, the dreams of my parents, the expectations of my husband and demands of my clients or customers… no more of the good girl, good wife, good professional. Enough!
I am a sensitive feminine leader and I own it by respect for Life.
Today, I have reclaimed my voice and my power; I have a life beyond work and I am focused on creating it in a powerful way. Authentic Leadership is my true Motivation.

I have emerged on the other side. I am alive and well. I created my own sunshine. The dreams I had as a little girl have transformed into a powerful vision that I manifest into my reality.

Today, My invitation, in this incredible era of the feminine rising, is to DARE TO BE BOLD WITH YOUR DREAMS.
You are loved and supported. The road may be long and difficult BUT it’s all worth it. Don’t cave in.
The energy of the dreams you hold in your heart is what today’s world needs.

YOU ARE FREE… like birds… Now what are you going to create with your precious life?

Thank you… From my heart to yours!

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